
News Article

Wednesday, 17 November 2021 05:18

VinylCycle Label Draft Standard for comment

The following VinylCycle Label Draft Standard defines the criteria for the verification of products claiming to contain a percentage of recycled PVC (minimum of 10%). The standard will aid specifiers, procurers and consumers in the identification of products with genuine recycled content to support informed procurement decisions, as well as provide a means for product manufacturers to gain recognition for contributing to the circular economy of PVC, and plastics more generally.

The Vinyl Council of Australia welcomes all feedback from stakeholders regarding the Draft Standard. This feedback plays a key role in the development of the final VinylCycle Standard.

Click here to access the Draft Standard document.

Please direct all feedback to Alexander Scott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by December 10, 2021.